Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, on the other hand, have gotten good results for helping women rebalance their bodies from stress, reverse the damage to ovaries and eggs, as well as tonify the body overall to be able to conceive. I know lots of women get great results with Acupuncture.
Naturopathic Doctors fulfill a very different need, however. NDs consider it fundamentally important to understand the functions and pathways of the body and intimately understand hormones that can affect health and wellness. In addition to this foundation, however, Naturopathic Medicine also includes training in natural modalities for supporting the vital force of the body to heal. These therapies vary from Naturopathic doctor to doctor, as different practitioners may focus on different therapies. A majority of NDs do practice herbal medicine, functional medicine, nutrition, homeopathy, energy healing, and more.
Infertility is a complex diagnosis with many potential underlying causes. Naturopathic Doctors are particularly proficient in helping uncover a deep underlying cause that may not be obvious. Because Naturopathic Medicine views the body in a holistic way with a myriad of connections (that could be deemed otherwise unrelated), it is easy for NDs to recognize the deeper issues that may be contributing to a couple’s inability to conceive.
In my experience, Acupuncture is a great adjunct to Naturopathic Medicine & IVF/IUI. My recommendation is to go all out, with multiple approaches, because the complexity of infertility needs to be addressed on many levels. All of the different approaches fill very unique needs for the client, but there's no one right answer. When we, as practitioners, collaborate fully, our clients get results faster. And, that's what I am all about! When couples are ready to start a family and they are getting older and don't have a lot of time, I think it's ideal to use a multi-disciplinary approach. It breaks my heart when clients come to me after having tried acupuncture for 5 years... I wonder why they waited 5 years before trying something else or adding something else? Often, they come from referrals from their acupuncturist, but it's only after they have fully exhausted their time with the acupuncturist. And, I have been able to help most of these couples-- however, I just wond er if they wouldn't have been saved anguish and disappointment if their work with me was started sooner, in collaboration with acupuncture.
So, overall, what I can offer clients is very different from acupuncture. Acupuncture can strengthen the body, help with stress, and re-balance the energetic body. I really like to work on the physical-mental-emotional from a different perspective. On the physical level, we want to detoxify and clear the channels of the body. Then, we are testing and rebalancing hormones (often undiagnosed abnormalities that Western Medicine missed). And lastly, we work on the mental - energetic layers. In short, using a mind-body approach to conceiving and birthing a healthy child is essential -- and can happen easily when you have a team of practitioners caring for you and your partner's health and well-being.
Remember they say, "it takes a village to raise a child?".... these days, I say, it takes a village to conceive and birth a child.
By Dr. Aumatma