Want support for the emotional, mental, & spiritual side of your fertility/birth journey?

This TOTALLY FREE* 12 week course offering is designed to help if you:
*I'm "open-sourcing" this course and offering it for free! Read the backstory below to learn why!
- Think you might be carrying unresolved trauma and grief in your body from past conception attempts, birth traumas, or sexual encounters...
- Struggle with stress, anxiety, or hopelessness - in general, or since you began TTC...
- Want to explore every possible missing piece affecting your fertility journey...
*I'm "open-sourcing" this course and offering it for free! Read the backstory below to learn why!
Grab Your FREE Ticket now!
Conception, Pregnancy, & Birth Success Course
12 Week Energy & Emotional Healing Protocol
Conception, Pregnancy, & Birth Success Course
12 Week Energy & Emotional Healing Protocol
Conception, Pregnancy, & Birth Success
12 Week Energy & Emotional Healing Course
What's included, exactly?

- 12 Content-Rich Training & Healing Calls that educate you on all the different things you need to know to support your fertility holistically, and dissolve your stress. It's online. You can go at your own rate - or skip around.
- Home-study Workbook to accompany each week’s calls/session(s) and help you see what your body is mirroring for you.
- An array of Holistic Healing Tools and mind-body strategies that you can use for yourself anytime you’re in a negative thought spiral, feeling stress or body tension, having trouble with self care, processing big emotions, etc. You’ll learn when to use which one, and how to do it feeling empowered and confident
- Access to an exclusive Facebook group, where you all will have the chance to share your stories, your successes, ask for support, develop your local tribe, and create relationships with check-in buddies if you like.
- Daily “2 Minute Meditation” Practice, perfect for beginners & intermediate meditators. Learn the difference two minutes makes with these guided meditations & visualizations that calm your nervous system quickly, and are easy to incorporate into your schedule. You’ll have access to a full month’s worth of unique 2 minute meditations to download onto your devices.
Week 1 – Getting Started – Crafting your goal for physical-level healing, getting your body's neurological system balanced on a daily basis, shifting bad habits
Week 2 – Making Sustainable Changes – Food changes that are sustainable, trauma healing how-tos
Week 3 – Self Care – Resistance, “to do” lists, clearing reversals treatment
Week 4 – Body Issues – Being a woman, being a man, conflicted parts, “my body is broken” deprogramming
Week 5 – Reproductive Health Traumas – Abortions, miscarriages, failed conception attempts, healing
Week 6 – Communication - Quieting the inner critic, connecting with your partner, being heard, identifying the needs behind blame and pain
Weeks 7 & 8 Combined – Changing your brain, birth beliefs, motherhood beliefs, birth trauma, setting up healthier programs to run at a body level
Week 9 – Sexuality & Intimacy – Sexual alchemy with your partner, conscious conception tips, your sexuality outside the bedroom, orgasmic birth, feminine/masculine balance
Week 10 – In-Lightened Birth – Creating a new birth culture, fears about birth, relating to experts/doctors, creating your birth story, talking with your “spirit baby”
Week 11 – Conscious Co-Creation – Your role as co-creator during pregnancy (and onward), the perspective of soul in the birth process, characterizing the wave of kids coming in, learning what isn’t your job
Week 12 – Birth & the “4th Trimester” – C Sections v. Vaginal births, advocating for your In-Lightened Birth, preempting post partum depression, factors that make it easier transitioning into parenthood, adoption/fostering info, next steps
Week 2 – Making Sustainable Changes – Food changes that are sustainable, trauma healing how-tos
Week 3 – Self Care – Resistance, “to do” lists, clearing reversals treatment
Week 4 – Body Issues – Being a woman, being a man, conflicted parts, “my body is broken” deprogramming
Week 5 – Reproductive Health Traumas – Abortions, miscarriages, failed conception attempts, healing
Week 6 – Communication - Quieting the inner critic, connecting with your partner, being heard, identifying the needs behind blame and pain
Weeks 7 & 8 Combined – Changing your brain, birth beliefs, motherhood beliefs, birth trauma, setting up healthier programs to run at a body level
Week 9 – Sexuality & Intimacy – Sexual alchemy with your partner, conscious conception tips, your sexuality outside the bedroom, orgasmic birth, feminine/masculine balance
Week 10 – In-Lightened Birth – Creating a new birth culture, fears about birth, relating to experts/doctors, creating your birth story, talking with your “spirit baby”
Week 11 – Conscious Co-Creation – Your role as co-creator during pregnancy (and onward), the perspective of soul in the birth process, characterizing the wave of kids coming in, learning what isn’t your job
Week 12 – Birth & the “4th Trimester” – C Sections v. Vaginal births, advocating for your In-Lightened Birth, preempting post partum depression, factors that make it easier transitioning into parenthood, adoption/fostering info, next steps

*The Backstory: Why I'm Offering a Valuable Course Like This for Free
I originally created this course to be a "high-end" offering. I sold it over and over again to couples (usually combined with 1x1 work) and saw amazing results. Clients had ah-has left and right, their physical indicators improved, and a huge percentage of those who worked the full protocol got pregnant by the time the 12 week program wrapped!
Then an idea came to me during my personal meditation practice: Offer the class for everyone who wants it. As in, truly accessible for anyone with computer access. As in, free.
Making it free didn't make sense to my business-brain at first, but the impulse kept tapping me on the shoulder. Months passed. As I sat with the possibilities around offering this kind of value to anyone wanting it, and connected with the concept of "open sourcing", I felt enlivened by the idea of pulling back the curtain on all I've learned in the fertility-realm. I recognized how robust of an offering could be developed if all fertility/birth specialists worked together by sharing openly, widely - and building off of each other's skill sets. I began to see how I could easily contribute to the health and empowerment of hundreds of thousands of people, rather than just a handful in comparison - and I saw that it wouldn't take away from my financial sustainability at all.
As it turns out, I only take on a very limited number of well-matched fertility clients these days, anyway. Most of you reading this will never work with me formally. And those of you that do work the program can help me by providing updates - I'll use your data for ongoing fertility research.
Ultimately, I want this information to become common knowledge everywhere and to that end, I offer it to you now. Take what you want, and share as you will.
I invite you to sign on up! Email prompts will both keep you on track and offer you flexibility to meet your own individual needs.
And I'm inviting you fertility/birth professionals to borrow anything from my materials that'd help you with your work. Listen to the recordings, recycle them, put your own spin on the info, and disperse it in any way you like. You have my full permission and blessing to use this course as it suits - may it support your offering ten-fold!
I originally created this course to be a "high-end" offering. I sold it over and over again to couples (usually combined with 1x1 work) and saw amazing results. Clients had ah-has left and right, their physical indicators improved, and a huge percentage of those who worked the full protocol got pregnant by the time the 12 week program wrapped!
Then an idea came to me during my personal meditation practice: Offer the class for everyone who wants it. As in, truly accessible for anyone with computer access. As in, free.
Making it free didn't make sense to my business-brain at first, but the impulse kept tapping me on the shoulder. Months passed. As I sat with the possibilities around offering this kind of value to anyone wanting it, and connected with the concept of "open sourcing", I felt enlivened by the idea of pulling back the curtain on all I've learned in the fertility-realm. I recognized how robust of an offering could be developed if all fertility/birth specialists worked together by sharing openly, widely - and building off of each other's skill sets. I began to see how I could easily contribute to the health and empowerment of hundreds of thousands of people, rather than just a handful in comparison - and I saw that it wouldn't take away from my financial sustainability at all.
As it turns out, I only take on a very limited number of well-matched fertility clients these days, anyway. Most of you reading this will never work with me formally. And those of you that do work the program can help me by providing updates - I'll use your data for ongoing fertility research.
Ultimately, I want this information to become common knowledge everywhere and to that end, I offer it to you now. Take what you want, and share as you will.
I invite you to sign on up! Email prompts will both keep you on track and offer you flexibility to meet your own individual needs.
And I'm inviting you fertility/birth professionals to borrow anything from my materials that'd help you with your work. Listen to the recordings, recycle them, put your own spin on the info, and disperse it in any way you like. You have my full permission and blessing to use this course as it suits - may it support your offering ten-fold!
Join the Course! You have nothing to lose... But first read what previous clients have said
"I'm approaching birth in a calm and present way. Everything feels ready."
I'm very relieved and feel a strength, confidence and trust in my own body to be able to go through approaching birth in a calm and present way. Everything feels ready… I'm so happy I did sessions with you to prepare myself for this. - MM
"I only wish I had found you 6 years ago. This whole (fertility) thing would have been completely different all this time..." -KM
"I'm 7 weeks pregnant!"
I have some fantastic news. I went to the fertility clinic today to be checked why my period was not coming, and it turns out that I'm 7 weeks pregnant! Wohooo! I'm so excited I just had to share it. Yesterday's session really made an impact too, was dreaming about me being in the womb!! Have a fabulous day, I know I will. - MA
"...simplified everything and made me feel calm again"
Here is what I've noticed in the few short sessions we've had together: 1. For the first time I do feel like I'm in control of my fertility. 2. I am finally facing, head on, some topics from my past. It feels good to finally address these topics instead of just stuffing them down deeper. Maybe my "mind over matter" approach isn't always best :) 3. I now have tools for when I am anxious or over thinking my fertility journey. You've given me simple things like just stopping to breathe. Amazing how such a simple thing makes such a big difference. 4. I'm really enjoying the meditation time. This is something I didn't think was for me but I'm two weeks in and going strong. Overall I must say that you were the missing piece of my fertility puzzle. I was trying so many different ways to bring everything together and continue down the path but it was you who simplified everything and made me feel calm again. I so enjoy our weekly sessions and I really can't express enough at how honoured I am to be working with you. Thanks for everything. -KM
“We uncovered fears we had no idea were there…”
My husband and I were having difficulty getting pregnant but when our doctor recommended an invasive (and painful) medical procedure, we decided to try this program first. We uncovered fears we had no idea were there (about giving birth, becoming parents, money, you name it) and proceeded to do the work because we had nothing to lose... plus something told me it would be good to work this stuff out anyway.
Well, before we even tried “to try” again, I got pregnant! So I chose to follow through on the birthing portion of the program, and I went on to have a beyond-amazing birth experience. I was given all sorts of tools to stay in my zone, I was constantly dialoguing with my baby through our own special connection, it all felt easier than I anticipated, and I am so grateful for everything. -JW
“Traditional work… hasn’t had nearly as much impact as a holistic approach.”
Working with Mary has in all ways have validated, uplifted, and developed a sense of accomplishment in me. The traditional work I've done (with smart and caring professionals) just hasn’t had nearly as much impact as a holistic approach. How amazing to have traditional and holistic concepts blended from such a grounded place. Now I have more coping strategies, more energy, and I am WAY more peaceful & relaxed. My body is healthier, and I feel better than I ever have! –LS
"How powerful our sessions are..."
It's so amazing how powerful our sessions are and how much movement gets created. Our final treatment was especially evocative for me… Looking forward to integrating these energies further and seeing what gifts they bring into my life. –GD
THANK YOU !!! I really needed that! I will continue, and follow, and trust… - MN
"Helped us push forward... with gratitude and patience"
We have greater hopes for the future and it has helped us push forward on our holistic path with gratitude and patience… Thank you very much for holding my intentions with me. I sincerely appreciate your support! –CKP
Some of the shifts I've already noticed since we began is to be able to catch limiting beliefs, fears and doubts more often and deal with them. Huge. –AA
"Loving all of your magic techniques. I am incorporating them all in my daily practices"
Thank you Mary. I am loving all of your magic techniques. I am incorporating them all in my daily practices. Shifts: for the first in about year, I felt my ovaries move and there is actual movement in reproductive area. There have been many subtle shifts in the way I feel. I have been doing so well with my diet, vitamins and exercise the past two years…it all feels right on on track. It's who I am now. I feel like there is a great deal of happiness around me. I am not afraid as much. I feel more committed to my dreams and for the first time in a long time feel my own unique voice coming thru me more than ever. –AH
Mary, I am so, so grateful for your divine talent and ever-skillful scaffolding. –JC
"I'm approaching birth in a calm and present way. Everything feels ready."
I'm very relieved and feel a strength, confidence and trust in my own body to be able to go through approaching birth in a calm and present way. Everything feels ready… I'm so happy I did sessions with you to prepare myself for this. - MM
"I only wish I had found you 6 years ago. This whole (fertility) thing would have been completely different all this time..." -KM
"I'm 7 weeks pregnant!"
I have some fantastic news. I went to the fertility clinic today to be checked why my period was not coming, and it turns out that I'm 7 weeks pregnant! Wohooo! I'm so excited I just had to share it. Yesterday's session really made an impact too, was dreaming about me being in the womb!! Have a fabulous day, I know I will. - MA
"...simplified everything and made me feel calm again"
Here is what I've noticed in the few short sessions we've had together: 1. For the first time I do feel like I'm in control of my fertility. 2. I am finally facing, head on, some topics from my past. It feels good to finally address these topics instead of just stuffing them down deeper. Maybe my "mind over matter" approach isn't always best :) 3. I now have tools for when I am anxious or over thinking my fertility journey. You've given me simple things like just stopping to breathe. Amazing how such a simple thing makes such a big difference. 4. I'm really enjoying the meditation time. This is something I didn't think was for me but I'm two weeks in and going strong. Overall I must say that you were the missing piece of my fertility puzzle. I was trying so many different ways to bring everything together and continue down the path but it was you who simplified everything and made me feel calm again. I so enjoy our weekly sessions and I really can't express enough at how honoured I am to be working with you. Thanks for everything. -KM
“We uncovered fears we had no idea were there…”
My husband and I were having difficulty getting pregnant but when our doctor recommended an invasive (and painful) medical procedure, we decided to try this program first. We uncovered fears we had no idea were there (about giving birth, becoming parents, money, you name it) and proceeded to do the work because we had nothing to lose... plus something told me it would be good to work this stuff out anyway.
Well, before we even tried “to try” again, I got pregnant! So I chose to follow through on the birthing portion of the program, and I went on to have a beyond-amazing birth experience. I was given all sorts of tools to stay in my zone, I was constantly dialoguing with my baby through our own special connection, it all felt easier than I anticipated, and I am so grateful for everything. -JW
“Traditional work… hasn’t had nearly as much impact as a holistic approach.”
Working with Mary has in all ways have validated, uplifted, and developed a sense of accomplishment in me. The traditional work I've done (with smart and caring professionals) just hasn’t had nearly as much impact as a holistic approach. How amazing to have traditional and holistic concepts blended from such a grounded place. Now I have more coping strategies, more energy, and I am WAY more peaceful & relaxed. My body is healthier, and I feel better than I ever have! –LS
"How powerful our sessions are..."
It's so amazing how powerful our sessions are and how much movement gets created. Our final treatment was especially evocative for me… Looking forward to integrating these energies further and seeing what gifts they bring into my life. –GD
THANK YOU !!! I really needed that! I will continue, and follow, and trust… - MN
"Helped us push forward... with gratitude and patience"
We have greater hopes for the future and it has helped us push forward on our holistic path with gratitude and patience… Thank you very much for holding my intentions with me. I sincerely appreciate your support! –CKP
Some of the shifts I've already noticed since we began is to be able to catch limiting beliefs, fears and doubts more often and deal with them. Huge. –AA
"Loving all of your magic techniques. I am incorporating them all in my daily practices"
Thank you Mary. I am loving all of your magic techniques. I am incorporating them all in my daily practices. Shifts: for the first in about year, I felt my ovaries move and there is actual movement in reproductive area. There have been many subtle shifts in the way I feel. I have been doing so well with my diet, vitamins and exercise the past two years…it all feels right on on track. It's who I am now. I feel like there is a great deal of happiness around me. I am not afraid as much. I feel more committed to my dreams and for the first time in a long time feel my own unique voice coming thru me more than ever. –AH
Mary, I am so, so grateful for your divine talent and ever-skillful scaffolding. –JC

Grab Your FREE Ticket now!
Conception, Pregnancy, & Birth
Success Protocol
12 Week Energy & Emotional Healing Course
Conception, Pregnancy, & Birth
Success Protocol
12 Week Energy & Emotional Healing Course

Mary Goyer, M.S., is a holistic fertility, pregnancy, and reproductive health specialist who offers safe, natural integrative techniques for women wanting to be mothers. She draws upon her traditional training in marriage & family therapy and her specialty in holistic, mind-body techniques to offer a new way of approaching fertility, birth & wellness for women.
Mary supports women/couples who are dealing with a range of challenges: hormonal imbalances, “infertility", pregnancy loss, relational difficulties, sexual trauma, birth trauma, postpartum depression, anxiety & stress, etc. She works with women to clear reproductive imbalances, increase fertility, and step into motherhood from a place of connection, confidence, & peace. Her approach, first used to heal herself of cervical cancer, is now offered locally and internationally. Learn more at aufertility.com and auparent.com.
Mary Goyer, MS
Holistic Fertility Specialist
Mary supports women/couples who are dealing with a range of challenges: hormonal imbalances, “infertility", pregnancy loss, relational difficulties, sexual trauma, birth trauma, postpartum depression, anxiety & stress, etc. She works with women to clear reproductive imbalances, increase fertility, and step into motherhood from a place of connection, confidence, & peace. Her approach, first used to heal herself of cervical cancer, is now offered locally and internationally. Learn more at aufertility.com and auparent.com.
Mary Goyer, MS
Holistic Fertility Specialist
Holistic Fertility Solutions & Awaken Unity
Larkspur, CA 94939
[email protected]
Copyright 2012 to present. All rights reserved.