So what can you do about it? I've given you 4 possible places to begin that are all about making the emotional shifts that help the body:
1 -- Address Subconscious Parenthood Panic - If you have reservations about the idea of becoming a parent, based on your own parents, or upon your career goals, you're not alone. Any hesitation can have a visceral effect in your body's otherwise normal functioning, so explore where you are holding fears about parenthood. Is your marriage feeling solid and balanced enough to withstand the stress of having an infant? As a mom will you get the support you need to be okay? Will you have enough time for yourself? Will you constantly be choosing between career and family? Feel into these questions, and if there's a charge around any of them, that's a good starting point.
2 -- Resolve Body-Level Grief - Past rejections, pain, and risk-taking gone awry (especially in the realm of looove) can cause huge constrictions physically, which make conception difficult. Grief with a capital "G" (bereavement, breakups, family separations, miscarriages, or abortions) impacts the body's ability to open & receive. So if there's some unresolved grief still sitting on the back burner, brace yourself. You're going to have to go there.
3 -- Get Out of Your Head & Into Your Body - Do you spend a lot of time thinking, reasoning, and problem solving? Of course you do, it our cultural default. But there's a certain wisdom you can only find in your body. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then you're exactly who needs to hear this. Any body-based practice (yoga, dance, breath-work, tai chi, etc) will help you get more into your own skin, and quiet down the mind-chatter that causes stress & the accompanying hormonal imbalances. Plus, when you're in touch with your body, it's way easier to read the body's most subtle (or in the case of illness, not-so-subtle) messages to you.
4 -- Detox Your Space - If you are having difficulty getting pregnant, you're likely quite sensitive to the toxins that surround you in your: home, workplace, diet, relationships, and even in your own mind-space. Clean up your space, starting with a mental sweep of negative mind-chatter, to remind your body of the temple that it is. Ask yourself the following questions to get yourself headed in the right direction: Where can I make things feel less chaotic in my world? What emotions are immediately evoked when I walk through my front door? How can I make my space feel more relaxing?
Pick one of these 4 totally different starting points and, if you're invested in doing what needs to be done totally on your own without support, you'll want to really use your intuition to help you decide how to navigate the details.
Either way, you'll feel better and better the more emotional ground you cover. And the more aware you are of how you tend to think, what your default beliefs are, the more you can do for your body. Give it a try, and let me know how things progress!