So put your micro-focus glasses on, batman! I want to help you wrap your head around at least a few of the details of this fertility to conception story.
Laura was working with me remotely, meaning we did our sessions via the phone. One day, we connected up and started our time as we usually did, with a period of check-ins. How was your week? What have you noticed since our last meeting? How did your home/self-treatment go? Is anything in particular up for you right now?
Laura reported having had a pretty good week, and that she really felt some of the issues we’d done some healing work on during the previous session totally melt away. We had honed in on some sticking points for her around being a woman (and she’s not alone, let me tell you…) such as: being discriminated against at work because she’s attractive, feeling like she has to be perfect as a woman in order to be taken seriously, and feeling betrayed by her own body because she couldn’t get pregnant without help. We’d teased out several of the traumas that sat behind those issues and she was excited to tell me how differently she was feeling about all of that.
At the same time, however, she felt confused. Because, see, she could tell that there was some really great shifting happening in her life because of our work, and she truly was excited about that. But at the same time, it seemed like every good shift came hand-in-hand with an increasing level of anxiety.
She didn’t know what to make of that. Why would anyone in their right mind feel MORE stressed when they could see they were making progress? Why wasn’t she simply happy?! She didn’t know.
From my perspective, when this kind of ambivalence shows up, it’s good information. It’s totally normal to feel (conscious or subconscious) conflict about healing, about getting better in some form or fashion. Think about it. If there wasn’t conflict on a certain level about something in your life changing – if there wasn’t some part of you that believed it was all going to backfire somehow – then you’d seamlessly and easily change. Simple as that. Change would have already happened! So when clients become more aware of their conflicts are about the healing process, I know we’re getting somewhere!
Laura wasn’t sure why she felt anxious, though. She just felt it. So our first step was to do a little meditation that both helped her to find where in her body the stress was located (stomach, neck, and forehead) and also what the stress was about.
As she tuned in, the fears started to show up to the spotlight. What if I’m making a mistake by not going ahead with the fertility procedures my doctor wanted me to do? What must my doctor think of me? She probably thinks I’m stupid or naïve. What if I AM stupid and naïve to think this will all help? What if this energy-work-stuff doesn’t work and it’s my fault for trying? Or worse yet, what if I fail at it somehow, and I prolong the entire timeline?
The basic topics that were being boiled down to, as far as the general underlying patterns?
- Feeling faithful in trusting her internal wisdom.
- Using the suggestions of professional to support her in finding her personal truth (and NOT overriding her truth).
- And my personal favorite, confidently taking alternative paths in life even when there’s pressure – whether from herself or from her loved ones - to stay on the main road.
So we decided to utilize a mind-body healing technique that’s designed to neutralize the way these various thoughts sit in the body, to offset the negative charge they’ve held emotionally and physically. We shifted into full-on healing mode, which only took about ten minutes that day, and then checked back in with her stomach, her forehead, and her neck to see how it went. The sensations in all three parts of her body had shifted, but she was still feeling some tightness in a spot on the left side of her neck.
Now, various holistic practitioners might approach a pain in the neck (haha) in various ways depending on whether their approach leads with physical interventions, such as a chiropractor or acupuncturist or mental/spiritual interventions, like I was doing. Hint – for chronic pain sufferers, you’ll want to work with a team of practitioners so you can have both!
Laura could tell there was another layer of information sitting in her neck because it still hurt when she tuned in to it. Because we were running low on time, and because she had done enough shifting for an hour, Laura decided to spend some time on her own during the week to see if she could uncover the remaining pieces of her fear about trusting her own intuition.
And so it continued during our weekly sessions that spanned the next few months… uncovering the subconscious stuff sitting in the body, then moving it out. Uncover, shift, rinse, and repeat.
As everything unfolded during our time together, Laura felt more aligned, more at ease, and more empowered around this big picture of wanting to have kids. And as you know, she did end up getting pregnant just a short while later. Win-win… she had a baby to look forward to and felt healthier on all levels in the meantime – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. That’s what it’s all about.