- Once a year during spring cleaning - “clean the energy” in each room of your house
- When moving into a new home - clear the space of the prior inhabitants – especially if the place feels a little “icky” energetically
- If processing a lot of dense emotions (i.e. grief, bereavement, divorce, depression, anxiety) - use when you’re ready to lighten the space
· Epsom Salt
· Rubbing Alcohol
· An old ceramic mug (it’ll get ruined)
· Matches
· Pyrex bowl
· Water
· Trivet or heating pad
· Spoon
1. Pick one room to start with. Open the windows (at least a crack) and all closet doors, cabinets, drawers, jewelry boxes, trunks, etc.
2. Assemble the feng shui cleaner: fill the mug ¾ full with Epsom salt (make sure it’s pretty even as if you were measuring it), and then slowly pour alcohol into the same mug. The alcohol line should be about ¼ inch higher than the salt line in the mug.
3. Sit the mug inside a Pyrex bowl filled with a fair amount of water (safety precaution #1). Next, position the bowl on top of a heating pad (safety precaution #2) in the center of the room to be cleared.
4. Light a flame to the alcohol solution (initially the flame may be several inches tall), then leave the room so you’re not breathing in the fumes, and close the door behind you. The fire will pull all the old, dense energy into the Epsom salt and the flame will subside on its own when the treatment is finished.
5. Set a timer for 30 minutes then check to see if the flame is still going. If it is, close the door again, and let it go another 5-10 minutes before rechecking. It’s kind of like waiting for a cake… Keeping the door shut will make the whole thing go faster.
6. When the flame has died out on its own, pick up the mug, and then use the spoon to scoop & dump the salt mixture into the toilet. Flush a few times, making sure you don’t spill the salt solution, which is now holding all the gunk.
(Note: You don’t want to stop the treatment early, but do get rid of the salty gunk before it hardens so much you can’t get it out of the cup. It’s okay if the surface is a little crusty; the spoon should poke through the crust fairly easily.)
7. Get going on the next room with a fresh solution in the old cup – keep it around for periodic cleanings.