If you've been struggling to conceive or carry a healthy, full-term pregnancy….
If you struggle with anxiety in general
or if fertility-related stress has been too much to
manage (or both), you're in the right place!
Dear friend,
You have a dream of having a family. If you are like many of my clients, you may be:
Let me tell you. It doesn’t have to be this hard and angst-y!
There is an easier road.
It's all about incorporating a holistic approach to your fertility path, which is more than seeing an acupuncturist. And it's more than talking about your stress with a therapist... It's the integration of soulful, mind-body healing strategies that paves the way to a more peaceful, easier fertility journey!
You have a dream of having a family. If you are like many of my clients, you may be:
- Scared that things won't work out and you're always going to regret past choices...
- Struggling with the stress of juggling regular life and all the fertility "dos & don'ts"...
- Facing painful procedures, and worried that there’s only more pain to come – emotionally and physically…
- Anxious from all the emotional, relational, and financial strain of fertility struggles and all the surrounding uncertainty...
- Facing daunting statistics and losing hope...
Let me tell you. It doesn’t have to be this hard and angst-y!
There is an easier road.
It's all about incorporating a holistic approach to your fertility path, which is more than seeing an acupuncturist. And it's more than talking about your stress with a therapist... It's the integration of soulful, mind-body healing strategies that paves the way to a more peaceful, easier fertility journey!
Let's break it down -- Why invest in holistic work to
enhance what you're doing with your fertility doctors?
Stage of the GamePreconception Conception Pregnancy Early Parenthood |
"Normal" IVF/ART PathWorried, unclear, wavering hope, emotional roller coaster, high levels of cortisone in body, tense body systems, low circulation, poor reproductive functioning.
Difficulty and Strain - physically, mentally, emotionally, & spiritually; Sex = pressure, calendars & charts. Paranoia, waiting for the other shoe to drop, never feeling "out of the woods"; high stress levels increase chances of complications; A more painful labor and delivery. Feeling high-strung and worn out, trouble "recovering" from pregnancy stress, postpartum depression and breastfeeding difficulties more likely. |
An Easier WayTrusting, clear, hopeful, steady, supported, clear body, relaxed, increasing circulation, easy to breathe, improved blood flow, better reproductive functioning.
Openness and receptivity - physically, mentally, emotionally, & spiritually; Sex = intimacy & creation. All feels well, minor discomfort or small bumps in the road don't derail your faith that everything's fine; Body-level calm supports an easier labor and delivery. A "happy" exhaustion that feels sustainable, easier sleep routines, a more seamless transition into breastfeeding and early parenthood phase. |
The problem with working only on the physical side of the fertility puzzle is...
It's just not enough for many couples!
It's a catch-22... Stress sabotages everything!
If you're ready to dissolve the 3 most common stressors I see in couples struggling to conceive, I invite you to join me in this self-study home course...
The problem with working only on the physical side of the fertility puzzle is...
It's just not enough for many couples!
- They try treatment after treatment, or month after month to conceive
- They rack up crazy bills for treatments they're not ready for (or don't feel right about)
- Ultimately this causes so much physical strain that conception becomes even more difficult than it was in the first place
It's a catch-22... Stress sabotages everything!
If you're ready to dissolve the 3 most common stressors I see in couples struggling to conceive, I invite you to join me in this self-study home course...
Fertile Foundations: From Stress to IVF Success
Here are the outcomes I want you to celebrate after completing the
Fertile Foundations: Stress to IVF Success Home Study Course…
- It's EASY to eat the healthy "fertility foods" that your body needs ~ and EFFORTLESS to avoid all the bad stuff!
- You have lots of meditations and strategies under your belt that make it simple, in small clumps of time, to good care of yourself - even during the work week!
- You feel more connected and relaxed with your partner than you have in a looooong time! And he likes it, too! ;)
- Stress and tension in your body is replaced by balance & vitality when you're at work!
- You're feeling juicier, sexier, and more feminine in your beautiful body!
These results are totally possible for you…
TRUST your vision to for a healthy, vital and PEACEFUL fertility/pregnancy journey... and commit to making it REAL.
Your journey starts by getting the right guidance and giving yourself the support you really need.
Fertile Foundations: From Stress to IVF Success
Home Study Course
(works for everyone - you don't have to be pursuing IVF to get amazing results)
Purchase the Fertile Foundations Home Study Course and get:
• Three 70 Minute Home Study Classes (a $600 value)
• Program Workbook (a $47 value)
• BONUS #1 -MP3 links of each class that you can listen to again and again (a $97 value)
• BONUS #2 Fertile Foundations Coaching/Discovery Session (a $200 value)
• BONUS #3 - Meditations, visualizations, and a "starter" healing toolbox (a $97 value)
• BONUS #4 - “Being Unstoppable” Webinar (a $27 value)
Total Value = $1,068
Your Investment = $397
Event Special - Only $197 (good through July 7th)
To Purchase
----> Click Here <----
Your Investment = $397
Event Special - Only $197 (good through July 7th)
To Purchase
----> Click Here <----
Here are the facts:
- It's important to know how food, environment, circulation, movement, feelings, and thoughts all work together to either open your body up to be more receptive and ready to conceive - or slow the system down to make conception a strain on your body - so you can get pregnant easier AND MORE PEACEFULLY!
- Holistic approaches work fast! Clients see obvious results right away ~ and most conceive within a matter of a few months.
- The strategies I teach improve the success rates of IVF and other ARTs - because they reduce the body's stress-levels that sabotage treatment goals.
- Investing in one of these programs saves a ton of $ in the long-run, spares you a lot of heart-ache, and sets a solid foundation for transitioning into the world of parenthood.
Success stories:
“We uncovered fears about becoming parents we had no idea were there…”
My husband and I were having difficulty getting pregnant but when our doctor recommended an invasive (and painful) medical procedure, we decided to try this program first. We uncovered fears about becoming parents we had no idea were there (about giving birth, becoming parents, money, you name it) and proceeded to do the work because we had nothing to lose... plus something told me it would be good to work this stuff out anyway.
Well, before we even tried “to try” again, I got pregnant! So I chose to follow through on the birthing portion of the program, and I went on to have a beyond-amazing birth experience. I was given all sorts of tools to stay in my zone,
I was constantly dialoguing with my baby through our own special connection, it all felt easier than I anticipated, and I am so grateful for everything. - JW
“A holistic approach is simply more effective.”
Working with Mary has in all ways validated, uplifted, and developed a sense of accomplishment in me. The traditional work I've done (with smart and caring professionals) just hasn’t had nearly as much impact as a holistic approach. How amazing to have traditional and holistic concepts blended from such a grounded place.
Now I have more coping strategies, more energy, and I am WAY more peaceful & relaxed. My job issues have melted away, I've released big relationship baggage, and I leave sessions feeling hopeful and empowered in my life. –LS
“I learned several simple tools that made a huge difference…”
Giving birth naturally wasn’t exactly easy, but it certainly wasn’t hard, per se either. In the pregnancy/birth work I did with Mary, I learned several simple tools that made a huge difference in my whole experience.
During the pregnancy itself, I did the emotional and physical “housecleaning” I needed to feel relaxed, in-charge, and empowered. And during birth I was full of confidence, which was huge because it propelled me through a lot of unknowns and learning curves, especially later during those first few weeks with a brand new baby. I’m not special; I just learned what was possible. But I’m so glad I did. I truly wish all women could feel what I did during birth. –SM
“…only scar tissue from where the endometriosis had been”
For several years I had experienced many excruciating and debilitating periods due to endometriosis and was scheduled for laparoscopic surgery in March 2006. That January, I had one of the most painful periods ever. In February, Lumenaria Goyer offered to do a healing of my uterus. During the session, she gently placed her hands over that area. To my amazement, the surgery revealed only scar tissue from where the endometriosis had been. Since that healing, my periods returned to and stayed normal! I am forever grateful! –KM
“I was once told (kids) wouldn’t be possible!”
This work has been a profound vehicle for transformation in my life on endless levels around a myriad of issues. I have experienced THOROUGH and JOYOUS HEALING and CHANGE around physical issues such as asthma and my relationship to food and nutrition, as well as profound and far reaching patterns related to healthy relationships, truly loving myself, and bringing a child into the world when I was once told this wouldn’t be possible! –SA
link to more testimonials
How can we make time for this when we're already stretched so thin?
I get it, I’ve asked this question many times in my life. But what I’ve learned is this… The things that you value the most, you find a way to make time for. One of my personal mentors always says, ‘Your commitment has to be higher than your circumstances,’ which is true. When you’re really a yes, obstacles tend to magically fall away and pockets of time miraculously open up.
I know you’re busy, so this group program is designed to make it easy on you. We offer recordings of all the calls, so if you miss one you don’t miss out, and our step by step approach allows you to implement the information on your own timeframe giving you space to tailor the content of the program to meet your own needs. I encourage you to work this program in the way that really serves you and your pregnancy goals. But, if you’re feeling the pull, it’s important that you commit to your “internal yes” and at least get started.
But our treatments are already so expensive!
Very true – if you’re receiving acupuncture or undergoing traditional fertility treatments, you’re already spending in the thousands to get pregnant which, frankly, you might continue to do for the next couple of months or years until something works. Employing the strategies you’ll learn in a holistic approach, in which we offer a huge range of action steps, physical shifts, and stress reducers, your odds of getting pregnant faster are increased by up to 90%. How much might that be worth to you?? In terms of money, you could be looking at ultimately saving tens of thousands of dollars. In terms of genuinely feeling good about getting pregnant, it’s worth everything.
More about Mary Goyer, M.S.
Mary Goyer, M.S., believes that fertility challenges don’t necessarily have to be tied to pain and struggle. She works with hopeful moms to increase their personal “fertility factors,” get pregnant with greater ease and carry healthy pregnancies full-term. Mary spent her early career as an educator & school counselor before going into private practice holistically to support moms and moms-to-be. She draws upon both her traditional training in marriage & family therapy and her specialty in holistic, mind-body techniques to offer a new way of approaching fertility & wellness for women.
Her approach, first used to heal herself of cervical cancer, is now offered internationally in group programs for women. Her specialized programs give women proven holistic tools to quickly and naturally boost fertility. These techniques take into consideration nutrition, environmental factors, and build an understanding of how internal thoughts and feelings impact fertility.
Mary Goyer, MS
Holistic Fertility Specialist
Her approach, first used to heal herself of cervical cancer, is now offered internationally in group programs for women. Her specialized programs give women proven holistic tools to quickly and naturally boost fertility. These techniques take into consideration nutrition, environmental factors, and build an understanding of how internal thoughts and feelings impact fertility.
Mary Goyer, MS
Holistic Fertility Specialist
Holistic Fertility Solutions & Awaken Unity
Larkspur, CA 94939
[email protected]
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