Stress to Success: Week 5
Abortions, Miscarriages, and Difficulty Conceiving
Miscarriages, Conception Failures, and Healing:
Common Limiting Beliefs:
My body is broken, not as good as others'.
I need medical help in order to conceive.
I can't wait a whole year to try again - I'm running out of time.
My eggs are old.
I deserve these difficulties.
No one understands me.
My husband can't support me.
I have to do this alone.
I've ruined my chance and there's no fixing that.
Treatment ideas - and how to choose the best treatment to heal an old pattern of energy.
- Who this is for - 1 in 3!
- What have you been taught about abortion?
- When real life kicks in
- Cultural thoughts - How is everyone impacted by a hot topic?
- Traumas for men
- Powering through it v. true healing
- I am bad, I should've..., I have to make up for this, I did my best, I'm going to be punished, I regret my choice
- Somatic clues that some remnant from a prior abortion is unresolved
- Spirit babies
Miscarriages, Conception Failures, and Healing:
- Broken v. Working
- Messages you get from the collective - not a real loss, you should get over it soon, you'll have another one, there are bigger losses, etc.
- Miscarriage - best to give your body a year before trying again
- Outlining the trauma for yourself: acute traumas of loss v. vague ripples of traumas
- "Protective" beliefs you adopted - do they serve you?
- You and your partner. Does difficulties bring you two closer together in the long run? Or do they cause a little divide? Communication, empathy, giving each person space for their personal process.
Common Limiting Beliefs:
My body is broken, not as good as others'.
I need medical help in order to conceive.
I can't wait a whole year to try again - I'm running out of time.
My eggs are old.
I deserve these difficulties.
No one understands me.
My husband can't support me.
I have to do this alone.
I've ruined my chance and there's no fixing that.
Treatment ideas - and how to choose the best treatment to heal an old pattern of energy.