Stress to Success: Week 2
Making Affirmations Work For You
Watch this video - how to make affirmations make a noticeable difference.
Food, Nourishment, & Healthy Habits
Sweet Tooth?
Emotional Roots underlying some of the sugar related illnesses such as Hypoglycemia, Insulin Resistance, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, and Diabetes include:
· Rage at being left out
· Overwhelmed by the burdens in life
· Giving up or feeling “what’s the use?”
· Feeling stifled
· Longing for what might have been
· A great need to control
· Deep sorrow
· No sweetness left
· Not feeling valued
· Unsafe in my body
Pledge Spot
a.k.a. “sore” spot
Place your right hand at the ‘pledge’ spot and massage it in a clockwise direction (circle toward the left first). While doing this, say the following 3x each:
A) I deeply and profoundly accept myself with all my faults, problems, and limitations.
B) I deeply and profoundly accept myself with all my strengths, gifts, and ability to love.
Alternative: Even though ____, I deeply and profoundly accept myself.
a.k.a. “sore” spot
Place your right hand at the ‘pledge’ spot and massage it in a clockwise direction (circle toward the left first). While doing this, say the following 3x each:
A) I deeply and profoundly accept myself with all my faults, problems, and limitations.
B) I deeply and profoundly accept myself with all my strengths, gifts, and ability to love.
Alternative: Even though ____, I deeply and profoundly accept myself.
Healing Old Beliefs, Traumatic Memories, & Fears
EFT or "Tapping"
“Tapping” uses the same principles of acupuncture to shift how the body stores old beliefs, fears, traumas, etc. Compare this to “uninstalling” an old program, and then “installing” the upgrade. 1. Identify the junky thought(s) you want to be done with. 2. Rate how intense they are, 0-10. 3. Round 1 – Tap OUT the junk. 4. Round 2 – Tap IN what you want to think, feel, and believe. 5. Rate how intense initial beliefs are, post treatment, then go through another round of tapping if necessary. |
A word on expectations for sustainable habit changes:
- Be as gentle with yourself as you would a kid.
- Write down a list of the things you really want to change, then pick one or two that look like the right blend of easy/impactful.
- Don’t try to change everything right now. Go with where you have the most support & ease.
- Expect set-backs, and have a plan for getting back on track w/o negative self talk.
When you have a set back:
1. Acknowledge your disappointment to yourself and share your disappointment with someone who can listen compassionately without going into fix-it mode, ideally.
2. Make adjustments to your plan as necessary (sometime mess ups are good - they always contain important information).
3. Recommit to the new plan.
4. Celebrate your willingness to be both gentle with yourself, and to stay in the game.